
u3-tool - Linux Mint

Tool for controlling USB flash devices that conform to the U3 specifications. You can do the following with your U3 flash: * Replace the CD image * Change ...


Tool for controlling the special features of a U3 smart drive USB Flash disk. Description: This is a clone of the u3-tool found on SourceForge.

u3-toolREADME at master · marcusruggeru3-tool

u3-tool is a tool for unlocking and configuring U3 smart USB Flash devices. Main features: - Change CD partition size and Replace CD image - (de-)secure data ...

u3-tool(1) - Linux man page

This tool can be used to control some of the special features of U3 Flash disks.


u3-tool is a tool for unlocking and configuring U3 smart USB Flash devices. It supports changing the virtual CD partition size, replacing the CD image, ...

u3_tool download

評分 4.3 (9) · 免費 · Linux Download u3_tool for free. Tool for controlling the special features of a U3 smart drive USB Flash disk.


1. 將 U3 快閃隨身碟與PC的USB 端口接埠 · 2. 在系統狀態區單擊U3 圖示。 · 3. 單擊設定,然後選擇U3 Launchpad 設置 · 4. 在左邊的控制台,單擊解除,然後單擊 ...


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u3_tool 0.3 Free Download

u3_tool - Tool for controlling the special features of a U3 smart drive USB Flash disk.


Tool for controlling USB flash devices that confirm to the U3 specifications. This program can control the following features: Replacing of CD image; Changing ...


ToolforcontrollingUSBflashdevicesthatconformtotheU3specifications.YoucandothefollowingwithyourU3flash:*ReplacetheCDimage*Change ...,ToolforcontrollingthespecialfeaturesofaU3smartdriveUSBFlashdisk.Description:Thisisacloneoftheu3-toolfoundonSourceForge.,u3-toolisatoolforunlockingandconfiguringU3smartUSBFlashdevices.Mainfeatures:-ChangeCDpartitionsizeandReplaceCDimage-(de-)securedata ...,Thistool...